
The Menacing Enforcer

CodZilla: The Menacing Enforcer

Name: CodZilla

Occupation: Hooligan, thug, and intimidator

CodZilla is the go-to guy for dirty work. Known for his rough demeanor and intimidating presence, heโ€™s the person to call if you have a tough job that requires muscle.

Creed: "Strength!"

Interests: CodZilla is into guns, combat bots, and anything dangerous that can cause harm.

Biography: Born and raised in the slums, CodZilla learned to fight with his fists before upgrading to iron weapons. He even built a scanner into his eyes, making him a high-tech thug. If you think youโ€™re tough, CodZilla is the one to challenge.

Secret: CodZilla has a creepy, raspy voice from always wearing a respirator. He never shows up without it.

CodZilla uses his strength and smarts to stay on top, taking on the dirtiest jobs and never backing down from a fight.

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